This book is aimed at developers and devops that have a GitLab server running, and want to be sure they use it to its full potential. This book will also be useful for people looking for a great Git platform, and learn how to set it up successfully. Some system administrating experience on a UNIX-based system would be useful, but is not required

The United States has long been the leader in Artificial Intelligence. But Dr. Kai-Fu Lee—one of the world’s most respected experts on AI—reveals that China has caught up to the US at an astonishingly rapid pace. As Sino-American competition in AI heats up, Lee envisions China and the US forming a powerful duopoly in AI. He outlines the upheaval of traditional jobs, how the suddenly

《AI 3.0》是超级畅销书《复杂》作者、复杂系统前沿科学家梅拉妮•米歇尔历经10年思考,厘清人工智能与人类智能的全新力作。本书源自米歇尔多年来对人工智能领域发展真实状态的记录,她在书中通过5个部分揭示了“现在的人工智能可以做什么,以及在未来几十年我们能从它们身上期待什么”。在描述了人工智能的发展历史之后,作者通过对视觉识别、游戏与推理、自然语言处理、常识判断这4大人工智能领域的热门应用的发展现状和局限性的探究,厘清了人工智能与人类智能的关系,书中关于人脸识别、无人驾驶、机器翻译等方面的案例分析都充满了巨大的启示!而这些,都是当下人工智能发展所面临的困境、人工智能想要取得突破性进展所必须重新思考的。看懂这本书,你将对人工智能领域有一个全景式的认知。
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