Intended for intermediate Java developers familiar with web development, networked services, and enterprise Java frameworks like Spring or Java EE. No prior experience in asynchronous or reactive programming is required. As enterprise applications become larger and more distributed, new architectural approaches like reactive designs, microservices, and event streams are required knowledge.

Learn GUI application development from the ground up by building simple projects that teach the fundamentals of using PyQt6. This 2nd edition includes updated code, programs, and new chapters to get you started using the newest version. Taking a practical approach, each chapter will gradually teach more advanced and diverse concepts to aid you in designing and customizing interesting and professional applications.

If you’re a software engineer, big data infrastructure engineer, or Elasticsearch developer, you’ll find this book useful. This Elasticsearch book will also help data professionals working in the e-commerce and FMCG industry who use Elastic for metrics evaluation and search analytics to get deeper insights for better business decisions. Prior experience with Elasticsearch will help you get the most out of this book.

运用机器学习获得对于数据的深入洞见,是现代应用开发者和分析师的关键技能。Python是一种可以用于开发机器学习应用的 语言。作为一种动态语言,它可以进行快速探索和实验。利用其 的开源机器学习库,你可以在快速尝试很多想法的同时专注于手头的任务。 科埃略、里克特所著的《Python语言构建机器学 统(第2版影印版)(英文版)》展示了如何在原始数据中寻找模式的具体方法,从复习Python机器学习知识和介绍程序库开始,你将很快进入应对正式而真实的数据集项目环节,运用建模技术,创建 系统。然后,该书介绍了主题建模、篮子分析和云计算等 主题。这些内容将拓展你的能力,让你能够创建大型复杂系统。 有了这本书,你就能获得构建自有系统所需的工具和知识, 化解决实际的数据分析相关问题。

课程以实际案例为驱动,深入浅出地介绍了数据分析架构师的核心概念和实践方法。通过课堂讲解、项目演示和实践任务,我逐渐掌握了数据处理、架构设计、性能优化等关键技能,使我能够在复杂的数据环境中游刃有余地工作。 “P8百万数据分析架构师一期保薪班”的导师团队由业内资深专家组成,他们不仅在课程中传授知识,更通过案例分享和实际经验,让我对数据分析架构师这一职业有了更深刻的理解。导师们在课程中不遗余力地解答我的问题,为我提供了宝贵的指导和支持。 课程的重点之一是项目实践,通过实际项目的开发和完成,我深刻体会到了理论知识在实际中的应用。我通过设计和实现数据处理流程、优化查询性能等任务,不仅巩固了所学知识,还培养了分析问题、解决问题的能力。
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