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新版Python开发就业课初级+中级+高级项目实战 视频教程 下载

新版Python开发就业课初级+中级+高级项目实战 视频

2023-12-06 09:54:31
python3-tkinter官方文档 PDF 下载


2023-12-02 10:18:01
Python Tkinter入门讲义 完整版 PDF 下载

Python Tkinter入门讲义 完整版

2023-12-02 10:10:42
详解详 python3中tkinter知识点 PDF 下载

详解详 python3中tkinter知识点 PDF 下载

2023-12-01 10:41:47
Python3.2.3官方文档(中文版) PDF 下载


2023-11-30 10:45:52
Python Web高阶开发班Python全栈开发 视频教程 下载

Python Web高阶开发班Python全栈开发 视频

2023-11-29 08:58:14
Python入门基础教程全套 PPT 下载


2023-11-29 08:46:08
笨办法学 Python (Learn Python The Hard Way) 下载

笨办法学 Python (Learn Python The Hard Way)

2023-11-28 09:50:41
The Kubernetes Book PDF 下载

The Kubernetes Book

2023-11-22 10:20:45
GitLab Cookbook PDF 下载

This book is aimed at developers and devops that have a GitLab server running, and want to be sure they use it to its full potential. This book will also be useful for people looking for a great Git platform, and learn how to set it up successfully. Some system administrating experience on a UNIX-based system would be useful, but is not required

2023-11-17 09:31:18