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AI Superpowers PDF 下载

The United States has long been the leader in Artificial Intelligence. But Dr. Kai-Fu Lee—one of the world’s most respected experts on AI—reveals that China has caught up to the US at an astonishingly rapid pace. As Sino-American competition in AI heats up, Lee envisions China and the US forming a powerful duopoly in AI. He outlines the upheaval of traditional jobs, how the suddenly

2023-11-08 10:17:11
阿里web前端开发手册 PDF 下载


2023-10-31 09:38:25
Web前端从入门到精通高级进阶 视频教程 下载

Web前端从入门到精通高级进阶 视频

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Spring5新特性重点讲解WebFlux响应式编程 视频教程 下载

Spring5新特性重点讲解WebFlux响应式编程 视频

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web前端全栈高薪就业课 视频教程 下载

web前端全栈高薪就业课 视频

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Web3.0热门领域NFT项目实战2023 视频教程 下载

Web3.0热门领域NFT项目实战2023 视频教程

2023-07-18 11:39:03
Python islower()函数详解

islower 1、包含数字的情况 2、包含特殊符号的情况 3、包含汉字的情况 4、包含空格的情况 5、其他国家的语言 6、判断纯数字

2023-07-17 15:33:43
The Art of Asking ChatGPT for High-Quality Answers PDF 下载

The Art of Asking ChatGPT for High-Quality Answers

2023-07-15 10:18:58