Python知识分享网 - 专业的Python学习网站 学Python,上Python222
34道ZooKeeper面试题带答案(很全) PDF 下载


2024-01-22 10:04:31
Dependency Injection_ Principles, Practices, and Patterns PDF 下载

Dependency Injection_ Principles, Practices, and Patterns

2024-01-04 10:15:22
Zookeeper源码剖析:深入理解Leader选举机制 PDF 下载


2023-12-26 11:52:16
深入探索Zookeeper:实战应用与高效策略 PDF 下载


2023-12-26 11:49:23
three.js视频教程 下载


2023-10-26 09:59:48
深度 deepin-IDE 正式亮相,全面开源,真正的完全自研!

深度 deepin-IDE 正式亮相,全面开源,真正的完全自研!

2023-09-13 22:02:53
Elasticsearch 7.0 Cookbook epub 下载

If you’re a software engineer, big data infrastructure engineer, or Elasticsearch developer, you’ll find this book useful. This Elasticsearch book will also help data professionals working in the e-commerce and FMCG industry who use Elastic for metrics evaluation and search analytics to get deeper insights for better business decisions. Prior experience with Elasticsearch will help you get the most out of this book.

2023-08-21 10:41:54
Zookeeper原理及应用 下载


2023-07-31 14:00:53
利用Python进行数据分析(原书第2版)英文版 epub 下载


2023-07-20 10:49:21
Python 错误:UnicodeEncodeError: 'gbk' codec can't encode character '\xa0' in position 3: illegal multibyte sequence


2023-07-09 11:00:44