`finance` - 搜索结果
2023-12-25 09:48:01
2023-12-24 10:37:18
2023-10-19 08:46:33
2023-10-08 15:59:35
2023-10-08 15:56:40
2023-09-29 09:33:40
Mastering Pandas for Finance PDF 下载

If you are interested in quantitative finance, financial modeling, and trading, or simply want to learn how Python and pandas can be applied to finance, then this book is ideal for you. Some knowledge of Python and pandas is assumed. Interest in financial concepts is helpful, but no prior knowledge is expected.
2023-09-21 10:17:00
2023-09-06 09:50:52
2023-07-20 11:12:42
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