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GitLab Cookbook PDF 下载

This book is aimed at developers and devops that have a GitLab server running, and want to be sure they use it to its full potential. This book will also be useful for people looking for a great Git platform, and learn how to set it up successfully. Some system administrating experience on a UNIX-based system would be useful, but is not required

2023-11-17 09:31:18
kubernetes源码二次开发 视频教程 下载

kubernetes源码二次开发 视频

2023-11-10 10:08:21
AI Superpowers PDF 下载

The United States has long been the leader in Artificial Intelligence. But Dr. Kai-Fu Lee—one of the world’s most respected experts on AI—reveals that China has caught up to the US at an astonishingly rapid pace. As Sino-American competition in AI heats up, Lee envisions China and the US forming a powerful duopoly in AI. He outlines the upheaval of traditional jobs, how the suddenly

2023-11-08 10:17:11
commons-math3-3.6.1-API文档中文版 下载


2023-11-02 09:07:34


2023-10-29 20:39:24
Flutter企业应用开发实战 视频教程 下载

Flutter企业应用开发实战 视频

2023-10-28 10:34:05
three.js视频教程 下载


2023-10-26 09:59:48
Python for Finance PDF 下载

Python已成为数据驱动和AI优先的金融界的编程语言。一些投资银行和对冲基金现在都使用Python及其生态系统来构建核心交易和风险管理系统。   在《Python金融大数据分析(第2版 版)》的第二版中,YvesHilpisch向开发人员和定量分析师展示了如何使用Python和工具进行金融数据科学、算法交易和计算金融学。第二版针对Python3进行了更新,其中的大部分代码都采用了JupyterNotebooks的形式,为几乎所有的示例提供了可执行交互式版本。在共5部分内容中,你将学习到Python及其生态系统是如何为从事金融业务的公和个人提供技术框架的。

2023-10-19 08:46:33
Introducing Python PDF 下载

《Python入门 第2版》内容简单易懂、生动有趣,是面向Python初学者的佳作。本书升级版涵盖了Python的基础知识的大量主题,以攻略式风格的代码示例来阐述Pytho3的重要知识。每章结尾的练习可以帮你巩固所学的知识。

2023-10-18 10:37:00
增强学习导论中文版 Reinforcement learning an introduction 中文版 PDF 下载

增强学习导论中文版 Reinforcement learning an introduction 中文版

2023-10-08 15:59:35